JMI University B.Tech B.Arch Admissions 2016

JMI University B.Tech B.Arch Admissions 2016-2017

The  Jamia Millia University (JMI)  has released an notice regarding the  B.Tech  & B.Arch admissions in 2016-2017 academic session.
The admissions of students will be based of JEE Main 2016 which will be conducted by the CBSE.  Entire Desirous candidates willing admission to admission into to B.E/B.Tech and B.Arch  may  apply  for JEE Main up to 31st December 2015.

Apply online for JEE Main-
The JMI will select applicants on the basis marks in JEE Main.
The candidates who has been already applied  for the  JEE Main or now want to apply for JMI to get admission into the B.Tech /B.Arch  program are  hereby informed that the  applications for  B.Tech and B.Arch admissions is available on the official website of JMI.
Intending applicants will have to submit the application forms up to 31st January 2016.  The application  form submission for  B.Tech /B.Arch Admissions under JMI University has started from 10th December 2015.

The Applicants may apply  online for admissions into the  B.Tech  & B.Arch programs under the Jamia Millia University (JMI).

There is two phases in online application submission 
a)Candidate Registration: Here the candidate will create his profile by filling up all the basic details and upload his signature and photograph. A unique Jamia Registration ID and password would be generated once he submits this form. Candidate may then move to the second part of the process. An email containing necessary account details including JMI’s registration No, Password etc will also be sent to the candidate on the registered email. Using this information, candidate may log in to his/her account later to complete the process.
b)Program Registration: Here the candidate will select the program of his interest i.e. B.Tech. or B.Arch. as the case may be, Reservation Category, Reservation under Kashmiri Migrant and candidates from Jammu & Kashmir (if applicable),  followed by preferences for available Branches. If candidate wishes to apply for both the programs, he/she will have to go through the “Program Registration” process including submission of fee twice (Once for each program).
How to Apply for JMI B.Tech B.Arch Admission 
  1. open this link
  2. Fill the application form carefully (Must read the notification carefully before applying , notification is given below in this article)
  3. Upload your photo and Signature
  4. Make a payment , deposit the application fee through online mode – Debit card, credit card.
  5. After successful payment  a acknowledgement slip will be generate automatically , which consist of details like user name, Program and other important things.

Application fee:
The Application fee is Rs 500 plus bank charges.

Important dates
Online Application  Form Submission commence from:- 10th December 2015
Last date for Application Submission:- 31st January 2016

No. of Seats Available for B.Tech  & B.Arch in JMI 
B.Tech. (Civil/Computer/Electrical/Electronics & Communication/ Mechanical):- 350 Seats
B.Arch.- 40 Seats
B.Arch (Financed)- 40 Seats
